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All impressions and reactions are known as 'mental fluctuations' or 'thought-waves', and yoga is the control of thought-waves in the mind. - Patanjali
Yoga refers to the system of practices that help to control the mind, body and the soul. There are many styles and patterns of yoga and each pattern is oriented towards exploration and development of mind, body and soul. It is a holistic path that leads to a sense of peace and well-being. Through different poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dhyana), yoga makes the practitioner aware of his inner self. The practitioner achieves highest potential and experiences perennial happiness. burberry clothing men , Through the practice of yoga, one becomes aware of the interconnectedness between his/her emotional, mental and physical levels. This awareness leads to an understanding of the more subtle areas of existence. Yoga aims to help an individual to fuse together the material (annamaya), physical (pranamaya), mental (manomaya), intellectual (vijnanamaya) and spiritual (anandamaya) levels within him/her.
Meditation (Dhyana) is one of the important principles of Yoga. It is the seventh limb of the eight limb Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Meditation implies focusing mind’s energy at one point to create a deep state of relaxation and tranquility. Meditation helps in achieving the strength of will. It helps to connect one to his/her actual “self”. Meditation calms one's mind, enriches concentration leading the meditator to a heightened level of awareness. It eliminates the veils of life, cleanses the mind and the soul and make an individual realize that God is the ultimate truth. Through meditative practices, a person can reach a state of emotional bliss.
Music has a universal appeal. Human body, mind and soul are extremely sensitive to music, sounds and vibrations. Music and sound can influence mental aspects and processes in a human being. Music can create a flow of melody which induces concentration in the listening mind. Since ancient periods, musical instruments were used as a training support for yoga practices and meditation. burberry clothing for men , In recent times too, music invokes strong mood that helps one to concentrate. burberry shirts for boys , Today, many record label companies offer DVDs and CDs which contain chants and hymns for daily morning prayers and yoga and meditation. These Yoga DVDs contain enchanting mantras which penetrate in the deeper layers of the human mind helping him/her to merge with his/her actual 'self'. .