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There is a police sunglass tendency in people to think that yoga is cheap gucci sunglasses just about stretching. Certainly stretching is an important part of yoga and it is called Asana. Be aware though that there is a lot more about yoga than you imagine.
All the misconception cheap designer sunglasses for women about yoga is due to the fact that when you go to yoga lessons in an environment of a classroom you have a very limited time to learn and perform yoga basic positions and other positions. It is a mission impossible for the instructors to be able to assist individually all the students. There is no time to explain the positions and make the students aware what they are doing and why. The other difficulty that the instructors face is the high levels of inconsistency in students’ levels and assiduity.
The great majority of establishments that offers yoga lessons are doing it more as a complement to the gym center. They are now offering yoga as a trendy way to lose weight or just to relieve stress.