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Imagine that you are a student in a class (let's call you Sarah) and the Professor ask for an open discussion on the issue of gun control, you have very strong anti-gun opinions and other students have strong pro and anti-gun opinions, but one student, Jake, stands out, his views are completely contrary to yours and it appears to the rest of the class. Despite attempts to "reason" with Jake he will not vacate his position, he begins to become irritated and pounds his fists onto the desk. It seems that Jake has an anger problem you really feel frustrated and threatened, you think he is ignorant and stupid, then you begin to wonder:
"Why can't he see things my way"?
"Is he from another planet"?
"Where did he get his ideas from"?
It is a normal reaction when we are in conflict to feel that the ‘other' is wrong because he/she does not view things the way we do. But if we find ourselves pondering the questions above then we will realize that what we are looking for is the meaning at the root of Jake's response, not simply the response that is manifested. Social constructionist theory is what shapes Narrative mediation.
Social Constructionist Theory
According to Sinclair and Monk (2004), "social constructionist theory emphasizes how meanings are constructed through language and it privileges the cultural practices that give shape to human interaction" (p. 335). Essentially, the way we understand the world is shaped by our history and the cultural context from which we originate. According to Gergen (2003, p. 15) "social constructionists inquiry is principally concerned with explicating the processes by which people come to describe, explain or otherwise account for the world in which they live". Social constructionists, therefore, are concerned with how people construct meanings out of events in their everyday life. The meanings that they make not only shape the individual's identity but also shape his reality and that reality is an outcome of social relationships. With this in mind we have a clearer understanding of where Jake got his ideas from.
Jake is angry because he is wondering why you cannot see things the way he sees it, but if you look at Jake's roots you can see that: ?
  • Jake was exposed to certain discourse about guns from his father and his idols are entertainment figures who used guns to protect themselves and others.?
  • Jake was attacked 10 years ago and he believes that owning a gun saved his life and the life of his family.?Now can you see where Jake discount gucci sunglasses is coming from?
At the root of Jake's reality are three components: the dominant discourse about guns, the influence of the media and the power of entertainers who use guns along with Jake's own life experience. You also have your reality, your own roots and because your reality differs from Jake's reality there is conflict. One's reality is one's truth and one's understanding, Jake is simply acting on what he knows.
Narrative Mediation
When two people enter the mediation room, chances are you are their last resort because they have already reached an impasse. Their realities are clashing and they have no way to see beyond their positions, interests and needs that are sturdily constructed. Narrative mediation is a tool that can be used to deconstruct people's stories and move them towards the authoring of alternative non-problematic stories. Narrative mediation was developed out of Narrative therapy. A leader in Narrative Therapy, Michael White, along with his colleague David Epston once wrote: "persons organize and give meaning to their experience through the storying of experience…these stories are constitutive- shaping lives and relationships" (White & Epston, 1990. P. 12). The narrative mediation model is put designer sunglasses on sale forward by Winslade and Monk (2001), the main tenet of this model is that, nike sunglasses discount "ideas are constructed out of the available discourse that circulates in the communities in which we live, as are our thoughts, feelings, and experiences" (p. 35). Additionally, Winslade and Monk (2007) state that: "The narrative mediator is more interested in stories and the meanings within stories than in facts and causes" (p. 12).

