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Flying is a wonderful feeling. Most people experience flying at sometime in their life. This experience usually take place in a large commercial jet aircraft. ray-ban sunglasses cheap , People use this type of transportation to get from one location to another in the quickest form possible. There are however other forms of flying which may offer people a higher level of satisfaction.
Paragliding: This is an outdoor sport where people have the opportunity to fly while keepeing close to nature. You get to feel the wind blowing through your hair while soring through the air supported only by a harness, some lines and a parachute know as a paraglider. Paraglidng offers more control than hang gliding does. ray-ban sunglasses sale , This sport is an inexpensive way to fly. It does require some training but can be learned in a relatively short period of time.
Hang Gliding: This sport also entails flying high above the ground while maintaining a tight connection to the element. This sport uses a hang glider as a mode of flying. The hang glider is a great way to fly with out a motor. This sport has been gaining popularity over the past 20 years. sunglasses on sale , Hang Gliding was invented before paragliding.